Where We find Bees To Photograph - That Bee Place

Where We find Bees To Photograph

Where We find Bees To Photograph


We love photographing nature's smallest creatures. Bees are not only essential pollinators, but they also make fascinating subjects for us to create art from. With their fuzzy bodies and delicate wings, capturing a stunning photo of a bee in action can be incredibly rewarding. But where do we find these busy bees? We’ll let you know about our experiences with the best places to spot bees and offer some tips on how we get those perfect shots. So get ready and let's go on a buzzing adventure!


Why bees are great photographic subjects


Bees are incredible creatures that make for fantastic photographic subjects. From the intricate details of their bodies to the way they move about, there is no shortage of unique characteristics to capture.


One of the reasons bees are so fascinating is their constant movement. Whether hovering in mid-air or darting from flower to flower, they're always on the go - providing plenty of opportunities for action shots. However, this is what also makes them challenging to capture. We typically only have seconds to capture an image before the bees go on to the next flower to do their thing. We have lots of shots that we delete that are out of focus or we get a bee’s butt going out of the frame!


Another reason why bees make great subjects is their stunning wings. Their delicate and almost transparent wings create a beautiful contrast against green foliage or colorful flowers. You have to have skill to capture their little wings frozen in time and even know when an image will be better if they are showing their wings in motion.


Bees also come in many different shapes and sizes, making them ideal for macro photography. You can get up close and personal with these tiny creatures while capturing every detail of their fuzzy bodies and intricate features.


Bees play an essential role in our ecosystem as pollinators. By photographing them at work, we can help raise awareness about how crucial they are to our environment.


The best types of flowers bees love


When it comes to finding bees to photograph, it's important to know what types of flowers they love. Bees are attracted to bright colors and sweet scents, so our best bet is to look for flowers with those qualities. We travel the U.S. full time, so we often have the ability to find flowers in bloom year round (as we typically follow warmer weather).


One type of flower that bees adore is the sunflower. With its large yellow petals and abundant nectar, sunflowers are a popular spot for honeybees. Other favorites include lavender, clover, and wildflowers.


It's also worth noting that different types of bees have different preferences when it comes to blooms. Bumblebees tend to like flowers with deep pockets where they can crawl inside and gather nectar. Meanwhile, sweat bees prefer smaller flowers with shallow openings.


We’re never sure what kind of bees are going to be in the areas we travel to, so we try doing some research online or asking local beekeepers to find the best places to photograph. There are always great folks we meet to give us insight into which plants will attract the most buzzing visitors.


Ultimately, the best way to find out which flowers bees love in your area is simply by observing them! Spend time outside watching as they flit from plant to plant – before long you'll have a good idea of where all the action is happening. Sometimes, on our hikes, we will simply come across a field of wildflowers and hear the familiar hum of lots of bees working. We simply stop, wait, and there will be plenty of subjects for us!


bees are different in different areas of the united states


When it comes to finding bees to photograph, it is important to note that not all bees are created equal. In fact, different areas of the United States will have different types of bees.


For example, in the Pacific Northwest region of the US, we find bumblebees and honeybees. These bees tend to be larger and fuzzier than other bee species. They also tend to gather nectar from flowers that are native to this region such as lupines and fireweed.


In contrast, when we travel down south towards Texas or Florida, we find a wider variety of bee species including carpenter bees and sweat bees. Carpenter bees are known for their shiny black bodies while sweat bees can often be identified by their metallic green or blue coloring.


It's important we research on what types of bee species live in the area where we plan on taking photographs. This knowledge can help guide your choice of camera equipment, how we will need to capture shots, as well as inform which flowers might attract certain types of bees.


Understanding how regional differences impact bee populations helps us get the most unique opportunities for capturing stunning shots!


bees don't bother you while they are working


One of the best things about photographing bees is that they won't mind you being around while they're working. Bees are usually too preoccupied with collecting nectar and pollen to pay much attention to humans. They won't see you as a threat, so there's no need to worry about getting stung. Between us, one of us is actually allergic to bees and used to be terrified of them until we started taking photographs of them.


In fact, it can be quite relaxing to watch bees go about their business. They move from flower to flower in a methodical way, almost like clockwork. It's fascinating how focused they are on their task at hand.


Of course, it's still important to respect their space and not disturb them unnecessarily. Don't get too close or try to touch them – just let them do their thing while you capture some amazing photos.


Photographing bees can be a great way to appreciate nature and learn more about these incredible creatures. If you like bees, don’t be afraid to grab your camera and head out into the garden – you never know what kind of shots you might come away with!


traveling the united states is worth it to find different bees as photographic subjects


One of the best things about photographing bees is that you can find them almost anywhere in the United States. However, depending on where you are in the country, like we mentioned, we  encounter different types of bees with unique characteristics and behaviors.


For example, if you're in California during springtime, we might come across mason bees while they pollinate almond blossoms. These solitary bees are smaller than honeybees but have a furry appearance that makes for great close-up shots.


On the other hand, if you're in the Northeast during mid-summer, bumblebees will be your main subjects. These fuzzy flyers are larger than most other bee species and tend to fly slower which gives photographers more time to capture their details without getting stung. They also will stop longer in flowers to pollinate. We love these guys!


Traveling within the United States allows us to explore new environments and discover different bee species along the way. From urban gardens to rural farms or national parks, each location offers endless opportunities for capturing stunning photos of these tiny creatures at work.


When we are exploring various regions throughout America, it provides ample chances for us  seeking inspiration from nature's beauty. By being brave enough travel outside our comfort zones we can unlock new perspectives and create lasting memories through our lenses!




Bees are fascinating creatures that make great photographic subjects. With their unique coloring and intricate movements, capturing photos of bees can be a rewarding experience for any photographer. By knowing the types of flowers that attract different species of bees and understanding that they won't bother you as they work, you'll be able to get up close and personal with these important pollinators.


While different areas of the United States may have varying bee populations, traveling to find new species is worth it to further expand your photography portfolio. Just remember to always respect the bees' space and never disturb them while they're working.


As we capture the bees we see, we remember that the bees provide the future for our ecology, economy and our air. Part of all our profits as we photograph bees goes right back in bee conservation causes.


Be sure to check out our gallery and shop our bee-themed cloths, art and gifts to support our journey and support the future of the bee.



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